Sunday, October 7, 2012

Digno y Santo

We found a church we love last week and went for the second time today.  We sang this song there, that I have come to love as we've been living here.  In English it's called "Worthy and Holy" and it's so beautiful.  I'm putting a link to below (because it's the only place I know to listen to specific songs for free), and you just have to click on the first version by Kari Jobe (because that's the best one!):

Digno y Santo

Here are the lyrics first in Spanish and then in English for anyone who's interested:

Worthy and Holy

Kari Jobe

Digno y Santo el cordero
Inmolado en la cruz
Nuevo canto
Al quien su trono esta

Digno y Santo el cordero
Inmolado en la cruz
Nuevo canto levantaremos
Al quien su trono esta

Santo, santo, santo
Dios todo poderoso
Quien fue, quien es y quien vendra
La creacion te canta
Hosana al gran Yo Soy
Tu eres mi todo
Y yo te adorare...

De un arcoiris, estas vestido
Tu voz resuena como los truenos
Recibe Honor y Gloria
Poder y Majestad
A ti el unico Rey


Tan grandioso, asombroso
Con solo decir Jesus
Tan grandioso, asombroso
Con solo decir Jesus
Cristo tu nombre es grande
Fuerte inagotable
Tu misterio glorioso es

Eres santo

Worthy and Holy

Kari Jobe

Worthy and Holy
Lamb, sacrificed on the cross
New song, get up
to that in his throne this /
Holy, holy, holy,
God Almighty
Who was, is, and who will come
The creation sings
Hosanna to the great I am
You are my everything
And I will worship you
In a rainbow, these dress
resuenda Your voice like thunder
Receive Honor and Glory
and Power Majesta you the only king
Holy, holy, holy,
God Almighty
Who was, is, and who will come
The creation sings
Hosanna to the great I am
You are my everything
And I will worship you
So great, amazing
by saying Jesus
Christ your name is great
inexhaustible Source
Your mystery
is Glorious
Holy, holy, holy,
God Almighty
Who was, is, and who will come
The creation sings
Hosanna to the great I am
You are my everything
And I will worship you
I adore

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