Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Brussel Sprouts Recipe to Remember

So I'm going to be honest with you . . . I'm posting this recipe so I don't forget it again. Today I called to sheepishly ask for it once again. I think the last time I called Nathan was a few years ago, for the same recipe.

I come from Lancaster, the land of boiled vegetables. So while I have always liked brussel sprouts, I didn't really know what they were capable of until Nathan brought them to a potluck. I shamelessly ate almost the entire bowl of them. He told me how he prepared them, but I did not write it down, thinking that I'd remember. When I wanted to make them for Easter one year I had to call him to ask for the recipe. Today I wanted to make them again, since I'd bought a shoot of brussel sprouts. (Help me out here, is it a shoot, a cluster, a branch?).

I could not find the recipe, but Nathan was gracious and told me again. Here is Nathan's recipe for brussel sprouts. I figure if no one uses it, at least I'll be able to find it next time I want to use it. Seriously, this redefined my relationship with the brussel sprout.

Without further ado:

Nathan's Brussel Sprouts

Chop brussel sprouts into quarters (don't worry if some of the leaves come loose, loose leaves are good).

Saute in butter (with a few teaspoons of broth if you have any on hand).

Just before the sprouts look done (5 to 8 min.) add some capers and lemon juice.

Salt and pepper to taste.

I'm addicted to these . . .

Care to share a recipe that changed your relationship with a vegetable?

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