Saturday, April 9, 2016

Garden Growth

I have kale in my garden!  I didn't realize until this week that some of the radishes are actually kale.

I love it!  It is bringing me garden joy!!!

And we cleared the rest of the mini-plot of as many rocks, added some bags of soil, and planted some seeds.  We're claiming the rest of the garden now!  No more waiting for rocks to be cleared and leaving it to the weeds--we'll plant and claim it, and just have paltry yield until we get more rocks out.

Thank the Lord for our D.R. garden!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Our Car's New Look!

April Fool's!  It was another car at the grocery store!  :)

Victory Garden!!

Por fin!  At last!  We have homegrown veggies!  The radishes are in!

Not exactly my favorite vegetable, but I'll take what I can get!  :)